Post 151
We must work together so that Europe is capable of affirming
its principles and identity.Dominique DeVillepin
MSNBC.”Key Europe Summit Over Iraq Crisis”, February 17, 2003
I’m sure you are thinking Where is she going with this quote? And from the year 2003? Well, as you can see by the title, August’s blogpost is a beginning – a preview of sorts to the topic of cooperation and support. In the coming month(s), tried and true – and new – means of working together with expected (and unexpected) partners will be explored in order to better serve those adversely affected by gambling. For now, I’ll set the stage.
Lately, I’ve been going through and weeding out paperwork from years back (multiple decades!). It’s a daunting task. Toss, toss, toss. Still, some are worth keeping - at least, for the time being. One such is a paper written for my “Exploring Our Theological Heritage: Twentieth Century” ministry class in 2003. Not only did the above quote adroitly remind me of today’s international response to the plight of Ukraine, it invited me to think and think: how can we as a composite community of care reach out and serve, more effectively, those impacted by problem gambling?
The following is a soundbite from the paper that I entitled, “Top Ten Reasons Why Fundamentalists are Always Right”. Hang in there, the title may not go where you are expecting!
“Recently, to a news reporter, French Foreign Minister Dominique DeVillepin remarked: ‘We must work together so that Europe is capable of affirming its principles and identity.’ Whereas his words are attempting to pull together a consensus concerning Iraq, the question I pose to this stated opinion is, Whose principles and identity are you wanting to affirm? To be sure, agreements, coalitions, and cooperative efforts are possible and, perhaps, even desirable among the members of various factions. The quintessential rub comes when one or more participants claim the ultimate right to have the last word … and last words can be quite different! In fundamentalist terms, if being right is of utmost importance, which party’s right is more right?
When the concept of a nation’s having a certain sphere of influence developed following the War of 1812, a country’s arena of dominion usually implied geographical territory. Almost two hundred years later, the growing numbers of categories calling for designated influence have created new spheres that, at times, overlap in multiple ways and purposes. Geography is no longer the only borderline of control when political, economic, religious, and scientific interests (to name a few) delineate zones of involvement.
Again questions of being right, and thereby having the victorious last word, continuously arise when control issues clash – often within a given region. Unfortunately, as circumstances of strife develop, an ingrained sense of survival tends to re-group with fundamental war cries and unwillingness to affirm jointly those so-called principles and identities. Hence, our twentieth-first century will see this planet covered by shifting and split factions struggling to gain toeholds of influence and control. Against this backdrop, an alternative view of earth by the year 2100 may be that of a multi-faceted jewel made breathtakingly beautiful by countless reflections of cooperation and meaningful communications. That is our new century’s invitation and challenge … with God’s grace.”
So the task is in front of us. Again, how – and what more can be done differently to reach out and care for all involved within the sphere of problems and crises brought on by disordered gambling? In actuality, the spiritual community can play a unique role of influence in creating and contributing to this multi-faceted jewel of cooperation. Moreover, spiritual leaders (and not just clergy) are in unique positions to open doors, invite, and welcome new initiatives. After all, pioneering does mark new territories and crosses boundaries!
Stay tuned for workable, cooperative, and imaginative approaches within the frontiers of gambling recovery. SPOILER ALERT: It will take a village too!
Rev. Janet Jacobs, CCGSO
Founding Director
Gambling Recovery Ministries
For more information on the IGCCB Clergy/Lay Minister Certification visit:
From IGCCB’s Resources for Coping with COVID 19:
https://personcenteredtech.com/tmh/clients (Online therapy preparation for clients)
https://gambling.easywebinar.live/replay (Jody Bechtold telehealth webinar)
https://youtu.be/dYUEjIFtT8E (Jody Bechtold telehealth webinar)
For more information on gambling disorder and recovery issues, go to: