Issues for Teen Gamblers

 “Gambling became more important than anything else … my friends, my family, and even school.”    -  male, age 16

This is the first generation of Indiana youth who have been exposed to legalized gambling and an array of advertising (for various gambling venues) throughout their lives. Some students gamble regularly and most have tried some form of gambling. It is all too easy for teens to become compulsive gamblers. The American Psychiatric Association accepts pathological (compulsive) gambling as a disorder of impulse control. Teens who are compulsive gamblers are driven to gamble in the same way that an alcoholic needs a periodic drink or a drug addict needs a fix. However, just like other addictions, compulsive gambling is diagnosable and treatable.

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What Resources are Available?

National Problem Gambling Help Line: (800) 522-4700

The National Problem Gambling Help Line provides help to people with gambling problems and their families.

Callers receive confidential, professional service from trained counselors. The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is free of charge.

Indiana Help Line: (800) 994-8448

Gambling Recovery Ministries:
(855) 926-0761

Gamblers Anonymous (GA)

GA HOTLINE: 855-222-5542


Gam-Anon: A peer-led support group, Gam-Anon provides a supportive environment for the spouses, relatives, or close friends of- problem gamblers to share their experiences. There is no membership fee. A list of local meetings is available by calling the above Problem Gambling Help Lines.

International Hotline: 718-352-1671

If you or someone you know needs help with problem
gambling, reach out – we’re here to help.