Parents: Indicators of a Possible Teen Gambling Problem

  1. Unexplained need for money

  2. Missing money or valuables from your home

  3. Weekly or daily card game in youngster's room

  4. Truancy from school

  5. Unusual time spent watching sports on TV

  6. An unusual interest in newspapers, magazines, and periodicals having to do with sports or horse racing

  7. Large amounts of money in his/her possession

  8. Boasting about winnings

  9. Intense interest in gambling conversations

  10. Unaccountable explanation for new items of value in their possession (e.g., jewelry, clothes)

  11. Several calls to sports phone on telephone bill

  12. Change of personality (e.g., irritability, impatience, criticism or sarcasm)

  13. Unaccountable time away from home

  14. Playing gambling type games on the Internet

  15. Sports gambling tickets and/or lottery tickets in their possession

If you suspect your teen has a gambling problem, contact the student assistance counselor or guidance department at the school. (Source: Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey: