Escape Gamblers
Often, escape gamblers are described as responsible, caring, and nurturing. Commonly, they exhibit a reserved nature with a reluctance to confront. Narcissism is generally not identified with escape gamblers; but low self esteem and a history of abuse may be present. Co-dependency, trauma, and/or clinical depression may often be issues with escape gamblers. Self-medication through drugs, alcohol, food, sex, and/or gambling may be experienced as a means of escape. Key attributes associated with this type of gambler include:
prefer games with anesthetizing, repetitive, and hypnotic effects: slot machines, video poker, keno, bingo, lottery
may gamble for relief or escape from psychological and emotional pain
experience a sense of empowerment within an escape world that is free from the controlling influences felt at home and/or work
purposely choose to escape from their problems by gambling; gambling becomes solitary and hypnotic
an early big win is not necessarily the experience; instead social reasons usually introduce/attract escape gamblers to gambling
often are older, past thirty years of age; the individual may become addicted to gambling the first time he or she gambles and the progression of the disorder can quickly begin
may be reluctant to quit gambling for fear that they will not be able to confront the pain of outside pressures; a high sense of shame can develop
usually female but action gamblers may resort to the numbing effects of playing slot machines in order to escape the pain of personal destructiveness from action gambling
Generally, escape gamblers enter the chasing phase of gambling rapidly. Desperation and hopelessness can come well within two or three years. They are more likely to seek treatment. If escape gamblers, in recovery, can achieve healthy means of empowerment (to replace gambling and other compulsive behaviors), their chances of successfully experiencing long term abstinence from gambling are good.
What Resources are Available?
National Problem Gambling Help Line: (800) 522-4700
The National Problem Gambling Help Line provides help to people with gambling problems and their families.
Callers receive confidential, professional service from trained counselors. The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is free of charge.
Indiana Help Line: (800) 994-8448
Gambling Recovery Ministries:
(855) 926-0761Gamblers Anonymous (GA)
GA HOTLINE: 855-222-5542
Gam-Anon: A peer-led support group, Gam-Anon provides a supportive environment for the spouses, relatives, or close friends of- problem gamblers to share their experiences. There is no membership fee. A list of local meetings is available by calling the above Problem Gambling Help Lines.
International Hotline: 718-352-1671
If you or someone you know needs help with problem
gambling, reach out – we’re here to help.