FEBRUARY 27, 2024 

POST 163

Men are born with two eyes, but only one tongue, in order that they should see twice as much as they say.
- Colton

Most of the successful people I’ve known are the ones who do more listening than talking.  
-  Baruch

As you can tell by the above date, Post 163 trails our previous entry by four full months.  There certainly hasn’t been any talking on this Blog but I have listened and seen much about life - and the ups and downs it brings.  Sometimes, life events necessitate, compel, and immerse one to take the leading role ...  and though it has not been about building-block success, the caring, helping, loving, and comforting was full time – and not regretted. 

I will return to the special focus on Spiritual Recovery in the coming months: I owe you four!  With February’s post, however, I am including a piece of information on a new way to earn the International Gambling Counselor Certification Board’s Clergy Certification in Problem Gambling and Spiritual Outreach (CCGSO).  The IGCCB Board has reduced the required amount of credit hours and the Indiana Problem Gambling Awareness Program (IPGAP) now provides the curriculum online!  Furthermore, I want to highlight that this certification is open to all persons (clergy or not) regardless of one’s faith.  What makes this certification special is that it includes both a clinical and spiritual focus in responding to persons affected by gambling problems.  

I actually started this post late last September with the following information … and then, LIFE happened. 

Ten-plus years ago, I was asked by the American Compulsive Gambling Counselor Certification Board (now merged since 2016, with the International Gambling Counselor Certification Board Organization) to head up a committee to create a certification for clergy and other faith leaders to provide First Responder care to persons affected, directly and indirectly, by problems with gambling.  It was a fascinating and, indeed, daunting responsibility!  Within a year of solid work, the scope, curriculum, and ACGCCB approval were achieved; and the late Jeff Beck and I presented, in New Jersey, the first official Certification Training (2014). (Read the history of how this certification developed in GRM BLOG, Post 123, November 25, 2019.) 

Since then, many trainings, in numerous locations, have taken place.  The curriculum consisting both of clinical and spiritual information is tailor-made for all persons of faith.  One of our presentations, in Baltimore, spawned further trainings online for Maryland State residents.  

When COVID prevented in-person trainings, an invitation came from the Indiana Problem Gambling Awareness Program (IPGAP) to create online training modules to be applied toward the IGCC Nonclinical Clergy/Lay Ministers Certification.  Dr. Deborah Haskins graciously volunteered to create the new training and IPGAP/Indiana University provided the technological support.  The results are now a course of study consisting of 8 online modules totaling 16 credit hours.  This course is available to all persons regardless of their geographical location. 

For more information about additional registration requirements for IGCCB Clergy/Lay Minister Certification go to www.igccb.org  

The following is information supplied by IPGAP about the courses. 

Welcome to this course as one of an 8 part series (4 clinical/4 nonclinical) of courses for Clergy/Lay Ministers Problem Gambling and Spiritual Outreach Certification presented by the Indiana Problem Gambling Awareness Program (IPGAP) as a part of Prevention Insights at Indiana University Bloomington. IPGAP is a project funded by the Division of Mental Health and Addiction to provide technical assistance for prevention and treatment in Indiana. IPGAP also raises the awareness of addiction issues, including problem gambling with co-occurring issues in Indiana. Funding for this program comes from the Indiana Problem Gamblers’ Assistance Fund.  Courses for this certification are approved by the International Gambling Counseling Certification Board (IGCCB). For more information, visit  https://www.igccb.org/clergy-certification/Links to an external site.  Also, go to  www.ipgap.indiana.edu  

 As part of IPGAP’s ongoing mission of providing training and support for those treating and supporting disordered gamblers, we have developed this series for community and faith-based individuals.  Completion of the 12 hours [including the successful passing of each Module’s quiz] also fulfills the IGCCB Certification education requirement and provides a standard of excellence to let the public and your communities know you can "meet them where they are."  Further questions about this special training can be directed to IPGAP Director Mary Lay at maholtsc@indiana.edu

Thank you for providing problem gambling support and help.  You provide public health and spiritual outreach before persons develop chronic symptoms and behaviors. 

[a final word from IPGAP/Indiana University, Bloomington IN] 

According to the 2021 Pew Research Center survey, Christianity is the largest religion in the US at 63% of the population with the various Protestant Churches having the highest numbers.  In this same survey, religiously unaffiliated adults rose to 29%.  Some also responded with being spiritual and not religious. Culturally diverse communities practice Indigenous practices that are native to their culture and provide healing supports.   

When people are hurting, they often seek help and support from their pastoral leader and/or lay supporter, and we want to include these "first responders" as public health advocates and supporters.   


Rev. Janet Jacobs, CCGSO 

Founding Director 

Gambling Recovery Ministries 



For more information on the IGCCB Clergy/Lay Minister Certification visit: 


From IGCCB’s Resources for Coping with COVID 19: 

https://personcenteredtech.com/tmh/clients  (Online therapy preparation for clients)  
https://gambling.easywebinar.live/replay (Jody Bechtold telehealth webinar) 
https://youtu.be/dYUEjIFtT8E (Jody Bechtold telehealth webinar)      

 For more information on gambling disorder and recovery issues, go to: 














2024Scott Jacobs