Post 149
It makes little difference how magnificent are our new buildings or how impressive are our private kingdoms. If no answer is found to war, all men [and women] will die poor.
- Norman Cousins
If you’ve been keeping up with the GRM Blog, you are sure to notice how often the actions of ministry have been detailed. In actuality, ministry stories to persons suffering from life’s devastations and debilitations abound in mission settings. Outreach is the mission, the goal, the norm. Our beginning statement speaks of the physically impressive; but the challenge, herein, goes beyond. Finding an answer to war seeks healing, wholeness, and peace; and the doors of private kingdoms open to those in need. Still, a house of worship may be decked out with costly furnishings, terrific facilities, and impressive weekly schedules and yet the believers continue to miss its mission. How often have we heard the truism that persons just want to know you care!
In truth, addiction presents war – within the body, mind, spirit, responsibilities, and relationships. Physically, the individual impacted personally by substance/behavioral dependence seeks satisfaction, comfort, and possibly excitement. Eventually the dependence catches up with reality – or at the least, some disappointment. The initial feel-goods aren’t the same; conflicts arise; the body has changed. On multiple levels, the person feels at war.
Then too, loved ones and associates feel pain, frustration, anger, and grief. As well, they experience disappointment.
This month’s message is (as an old friend would say) short and sweet and hard to beat:
** to the one personally and directly impacted by addiction: life can be so much more than revolving around a debilitating addiction (stronger body, better finances, new friends, new skills, job, and hobbies, mended relationships)
** to the family member/friend/associate: your life takes precedence (goals become clearer and can be met, reality starts with you, feelings of accomplishment are the norm)
** to the body of believers who care and want to reach out: life takes on deeper spiritual reality; divine guidance and provision become more and more apparent (healing, wholeness, and peace are experienced and contagious!)
Ministry is for whom?? ALL OF US – to ourselves, each other, and those we have yet to meet!
Rev. Janet Jacobs, CCGSO
Founding Director
Gambling Recovery Ministries
For more information on the IGCCB Clergy/Lay Minister Certification visit:
From IGCCB’s Resources for Coping with COVID 19: (Online therapy preparation for clients) (Jody Bechtold telehealth webinar) (Jody Bechtold telehealth webinar)
For more information on gambling disorder and recovery issues, go to: