NO FOOLING!! (Post 128)
POST 128
No Fooling!
Can we go to the Nurse’s Room … Jerry just got stung by a bee, Zach (not their real names) asked me as he held out a book with a smashed bee on it. It was during my very beginning days of high school teaching. Why would we need to go? Nurse’s Room? I had never been told there was a School Nurse, much less a Nurse’s Room. Their trick backfired as I answered No. Of course, there was not a Nurse’s Room - and no nurse stationed there. Compared to first graders’ favorite April Fool’s Day joke, Teacher, there’s a spider on your head, the bee bite story was a bit more sophisticated.
April Fool’s Day, can be a time of exaggerated tales and surprises. No doubt, we expect others’ attempts at fooling us. We’re on the lookout. On the other hand, the field of addiction renders an ever growing – and evolving – host of unbelievable real-life stories. What addiction drives individuals to do can be mind-boggling … but not to the disordered gambler.
For Post 128, I will share several unbelievable but true actions, stated by speakers at conferences and workshops. Yes, they are incredibly beyond belief; and no, I am not fooling you. Still I share so that those impacted by problem gambling (both directly and/or indirectly) may see the severity and know that the persons behind the stories are now experiencing recovery and testifying to their new lives.
I lied so often it became a lifestyle … couldn’t tell what was true and what wasn’t – and didn’t care. I even lied about what I had for lunch!
After school, I changed from my teaching-clothes into dressy outfits and gambled at the casino before going home. It was a different world to me from my classroom.
I missed the birth of my child.
I didn’t find out our house had actually been sold and that we were paying rent - until we were evicted
Nothing was off limits – not even my child’s piggy bank.
The juicier the lies, the better. I actually got a rush just thinking about what lie I could tell.
No Fooling!
The 12 Steps to Recovery are utilized by diverse recovery support groups and by some treatment counselors. This recovery process can be an incredible journey in discovering the truth about oneself and his/her relationship with others. Each Step cuts through denial and self-deception. Each Step creates opportunities for Work- in-Progress and the opening of new recovery doors. Definitely, it is work - but work toward a future of health: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual! It is worth it … and so are you!
No Fooling!
As you can see, the GRM website’s remodeling has been completed! This is a Happy 10th Birthday celebration for !! You will find the information quite navigable and readable, as well as updated. The GRM Blog is extremely well organized - and you’ll find it easy to locate your favorite past Posts. (The Search feature includes Blog material, also.) I decided to keep the old GRM newsletters simply because a good number of articles are still applicable to our current understanding of gambling addiction and recovery issues. I look forward to reading your comments too!
Finally, I want to give a very grateful shout out to my son for the technical work with the Blog's remodeling project during his spare time: THANK YOU SCOTT!
Rev. Janet Jacobs, CCGSO
Founding Director
Gambling Recovery Ministries
For more information on the IGCCB Clergy/Lay Minister Certification visit:
For more information on gambling disorder and recovery issues