JULY 31, 2023
Post 161
It’s easier to get ulcers from what’s eating you than from what you eat.
– Robert S. Kerr
Sure the world is full of trouble, but as long as we have people undoing trouble
we have a pretty good world.
– Helen Keller
Last time, I wrote about spirituality and how living by Gam-Anon’s 12 Steps to Recovery – specifically (but not exclusively) Steps 1, 2, 3, 7, and 11 - one can truly experience new life. Perceptions, actions, beliefs, and values become modified and actually, changed (the scary word for those dealing with addiction!). Testimonies were given, including self-knowledge discoveries and hope-filled statements. Opening up to one’s higher power thus presents a willingness to look beyond a limited world of disordered gambling and all of its problems, to real recovery.
Yet what is real recovery? Is it easy to attain? Is it getting 100% better immediately? And what is better anyway?
Most persons in recovery will say – straight forwardly – that recovery from any addiction (or dealing with someone in addiction) is not a clean vertical line assent. There will be ups and downs throughout … and still, even when the “new life” is “achieved”, there may very well come temptations riddled by disappointments, other problems, or even boredom!
Both Gamblers Anonymous and Gam-Anon have listings to assess where a person may be with regard to his/her own gambling behavior or might be responding to a loved one’s gambling. As I reviewed the listings, it occurred to me that they could serve not only as present day assessments but also pinpointed-ways to aim one’s prayers in recovery.
Within this Post, for those whose lives are negatively impacted by another’s gambling, I invite you to take a look at the following descriptions of concerns. Then see how they could help in expressing your prayers. Moreover, for additional information and literature on Gam-Anon, go to . Next month, we will focus on prayer prompters for persons who are having problems with their own gambling.
Here are common concerns (listed first) of those who have loved ones or associates with gambling problems. The prayer prompters follow in italics.
** the gambling of a loved one: HOW is it affecting your personal life? And that of your family? Describe plainly and specifically – and then, pray about these conditions.
** does this person’s gambling cause worry and anxiety? Name your fears as you pray; name your worries – and ask for help with these specifically identified worries and fears; share your worries with a trusted, prayer partner - praying together on a regular basis; pray with a trusted clergy person
** financial problems for you because of someone’s gambling? Ask for guidance and direction: ask for resource persons to help you protect your finances; pray for awareness as to how to protect your valuables; pray for additional ways to budget
** emotional stress? Pray for help in identifying causal factors; pray for clarity to distinguish the circumstances that especially bring on added stress; pray for a professional resource person to help you sort out the areas of stress in your life
** worried about the emotional and financial stresses of a loved one who gambles? Pray for how you can learn ways to approach the person – the wording, the resources you can suggest, AND the resources for YOU, as well!
Blessings to you!
Rev. Janet Jacobs, CCGSO
Founding Director
Gambling Recovery Ministries
For more information on the IGCCB Clergy/Lay Minister Certification visit:
From IGCCB’s Resources for Coping with COVID 19: (Online therapy preparation for clients) (Jody Bechtold telehealth webinar) (Jody Bechtold telehealth webinar)
For more information on gambling disorder and recovery issues, go to: