THE CALL (Post 154)
POST 154
The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
1992. An uncertain year. A could-be devastating year. A hard, hard year. Then a surprising new direction.
Winter and Spring of ‘92 were trying times. A couple of procedures had failed and finally open-heart surgery for my husband became eminent. At the same time, my recovery from routine surgery evolved into toxic-shock. Two additional hospitalizations had me finally turning the corner - with no time to spare. That summer was one of slow recovery for both of us. The trauma of these events left us relieved and grateful yet uncertain to meet the coming year.
December arrived with its usual fanfare of Christmas preparations and events. Once in a while we’d peek back at the previous year’s sudden heart attack and shake our heads. Little would we have known the approaching hospital stays and the seriousness of our own individual situations. Better to enjoy the moment!
And yet, something else was taking place. Sometime during that month – thirty years ago – I sensed a Presence. No, nothing spooky. It was a Presence of holiness, right in front of my eyes … and it didn’t go away or even dim. To say it was persistent is an understatement. Somehow, I knew that it was not to be ignored. Then the feelings of joy and amazement seeped in as memories of recently told missionary stories permeated the Presence. Was this The Call? Hardly would I have expected it. Perhaps, those mission programs were means of healing to my uneasiness for the quickly approaching new year. Certainly not, a divine call to ministry, I thought.
Still, the Presence continued; and once more, I deliberated. Could this be a call to the mission field? I could teach … that was certain. However, the family circumstances did not lend themselves to my starting a new career at distance. No, again, that did not seem as clear as the Presence. Fast-forwarding two months later, I read about a brand new seminary program being offered to persons sensing the call to serve in ministry as parish pastors. It was even to be located at a do-able distance. Could this be my new direction, even in later mid-life? I did pursue and a total of ten years of academics, eighteen years of parish ministry, and twenty-one years of continuing outreach through Gambling Recovery Ministries brings us up to date!
There is something that is much more scarce, something finer far, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize ability.
- Elbert Hubbard
Again, little did I know that in those years to come (and continue!) would I experience God’s presence (and ability) in holy, awesome, and even alarmingly surprising ways that have prepared and equipped me for ministries of which I could ever dream!
Amazingly, (but why should I be amazed?) The Call continues and keeps on affirming that overwhelming, INITIAL CALL OF THIRTY YEARS AGO!!!
Rev. Janet Jacobs, CCGSO
Founding Director
Gambling Recovery Ministries
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