Whether ( or not, recovery will bring fair “weather”??) Forecasts:  Part 1 of a Series of 3 (Post 85)


Post 85

Whether or not, recovery will bring fair “weather”??) Forecasts:  Part 1 of a Series of 3

Yes, the recent hot, humid days have reminded me that it is, indeed, August … and yet, afternoon’s slant of pre-autumn sunshine forecasts cooler and drier days to come.  Even as sweat rolls off my forehead during outdoor chores, I can almost catch the aroma of dry leaves and hear their crackling sounds as feet shuffle along sidewalks. My mind turns to weather forecasts predicting crisper mornings and sleep-with-the-windows-open nights.  Extended predictions give the highs and lows of the coming days; and I look forward to 70’s high temperatures!

My mind turns to … I look forward to … yes, that’s expected thinking this time of year for Midwest autumn lovers.  However, a look above at our title for this edition of the GRM Blog indicates the topic is not weather-related.  Instead, the question of whether-or-not brings our focus to the what-can-I-expect recovery to bring me … what can I anticipate as I enter recovery work … will I be able to forecast – and experience – changes that will help me to attain wellness from addiction … how will I like my new life in recovery …  what can I look forward to …?

A couple of past Posts have addressed such what-will-I-face questions with affirming descriptions of recovery.  Checking back, Post 29 on July 3, 2012 lists the “Freedoms” experienced as each of the 12 Steps to Recovery are attained.  For December 15, 2011 (Post 22), you’ll read about “Promises/Presents” associated with the holiday-related “Recovery Tree”. (www.grmumc.org ) Then too, the Gamblers Anonymous program offers GA Promises (to experience) when living the life of recovery.  (www.gamblersanonymous.org )

As the possibility and increasing probability of change approaches, it is quite normal – and expected – that the whether or nots thoughts (and often fears) grow within the individual’s mind.  Treatment, support groups, accountability, the 12 Steps … become daunting challenges. 

Therefore, to address such concerns, this month’s edition takes a look at the first three  Steps to Recovery and connects them to forecastings of experiences to look forward to and to live by. 

Note:  each “forecast” is singular, first-person wording – as though the person in recovery would actually speak!


Steps 1, 2, and 3  [to Recovery]  are listed below in quotes. www.gamblersanonymous.org  and  www.gam-anon.org

Remember!  The “forecasts” are italicized and written as though recovery is in progress!
1. “We admitted we were powerless over gambling [the problem in our family] – that our lives had become unmanageable.”

I no longer count on an IF world … rather I begin to admit the real-ness – and limitations - of my own individual reality.  Therefore, my life is taking on more predictable outcomes, with the consequences of my actions more apparent and thus manageable.  My goal setting now is tailored to recovery – not escape or risk-taking.

2. “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to a normal way of thinking and living.”

I no longer feel alone in dealing with my gambling problems [the problem in my family].  Moreover, there is additional power to help me; and it’s greater than my own present abilities.  Therefore, I am not limited to just my solutions, fears, expectations, and worries.  I’m starting to trust the idea that – with this Power’s help and care of/for me - I can, once again, have clear thinking and experience normal life patterns.
 3. “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of this Power of our own understanding.”

I decided to trust the Higher Power of my own understanding and made the decision to turn myself – my will and whole life – over to the personal care of this Power.  Since then, I have experienced the Power’s growing, in me, the strength, courage, wisdom, patience and knowledge to counter the addiction that I have been so affected and influenced by. I no longer have to trust in my will – but instead, the will of One greater than me.  My thinking abilities and living patterns are increasingly steadier - and actually are starting to feel more normal! 

These first three Steps are, basically, an introduction – an ushering in – to life wherein trust, a Higher Power, hope, and forecasting of a “normal way of thinking and living” are actual options to be experienced and realized!  All necessary, they prepare the person to face more reality – their own selves and actions.

Steps 4-9 … They are the tough, boots-on-the-ground and yet beautiful - steps of self-awareness, repair, and restoration. We’ll be in the trenches of recovery with them next month. 
Join us in September!


Rev. Janet Jacobs  
Founding Director
Gambling Recovery Ministries

For more information on problem gambling and recovery issues, visit


Posted by Gambling Recovery Ministries at 5:20 PM

2016Scott Jacobs