November 1, 2024
This month, we are hearing from Bob H., a friend, colleague, faith leader, and willing servant in sharing support for recovery. I have known Bob and his wife Sherrie through IGCCB’s Clergy Certification Program, Mid-Central Conferences on Problem Gambling, and GA/Gam-Anon. Indeed, every time we check in on each other, I am truly inspired. October’s Post 171 posed the question – and dilemma – of the feelings of fear one might have when considering recovery.
I promised November’s Post to be one packed with tried-and-true ways to experience – and ENJOY – life in recovery. The following are real joys; and you will see how practical and do-able these down-to-earth ways can gratefully fill time when no longer gambling (or otherwise living addiction).
“I Quit Gambling – Now What Do I Do?”
By Bob H.
My name is Bob H. and I am a compulsive gambler in recovery. When I quit gambling several years ago, there was a huge void that opened up in my life. I had been gambling for several years, and during the last few months in the throes of my addiction, I was also visiting my father in the hospital. He had been diagnosed with inoperable cancer of the esophagus, and was slowly and painfully, dying because the he was not getting enough nutrition from the food he was getting through a tube which was directly inserted into his stomach. I visited him almost every day – just watching him waste away begging for the Lord to take him home to heaven.
On January 13, 1999, his final wish was granted, and he was finally freed from his pain and suffering. Suddenly, there was an enormous void of time in my life. What did I do? I filled the void with more gambling. And then more gambling. I was out of control, and digging myself into a huge financial hole. After several more months of reckless gambling. I realized that enough was enough, and I found the rooms of recovery on November 10, 1999. After I quit gambling, there was another huge void in my life caused not by my father’s death, but by my choice to quit gambling. I needed something positive to fill the huge void in my life. So I set forth on a journey of self-discovery, finding ways to develop a better life, a more positive life, a more fulfilling life. So what did I do? Here is a list of activities that I started, and I hope that you can learn from this list, and fill the void in your life that occurred when you quit gambling.
1. Started attending 12 step meetings
2. Started going to church every Sunday to reconnect with my Higher Power
3. Walking to improve my neglected physical fitness
4. I began reading about recovery, but also just reading other books about history to exercise my neglected mental acuity.
5. Reconnecting with my family – giving them precious family time that I did not give them when I was gambling.
6. Calling new friends that I made at 12 step meetings.
7. Praying and meditating to improve my relationship with a Higher Power.
8. Getting more involved in my church helping organizing charity fund drives to help people less fortunate than me.
9. Being more physically and mentally present at birthday celebrations instead of worrying about the next bet.
10. Going to breakfast and dinner before 12 step meetings to enjoy fellowship with other compulsive gamblers in recovery.
These are just ten things that I starting doing to fill the void that was caused by quitting gambling. I know that you can come up with more things on your own. And soon the urge to gamble will dissipate, remembering that the urge to gamble will always be there. The stronger you become physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally, the stronger your recovery from compulsive gambling will be.
Bob H. has been in recovery from a gambling addiction for 25 years. He is now retired and living in Ohio.
Thank you, Bob! What terrific – and very basic – ways to build strength in multiple dimensions into our lives.
Another great way to counter addiction is to learn more about recovery through professional conferences that are open to all. The Annual Mid-Central Conference on Problem Gambling is coming up this month and will be online via ZOOM. For more information contact:
Wednesday, November 13 & Thursday, November 14, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM EST to 1:00 PM EST
Register: ipgap.indiana.edu/training
A ZOOM link will be sent to you upon registration. Please, save this link. It will be used for BOTH days.
This event is sponsored by Prevention Insights, Indiana Problem Gambling Awareness Program
Rev. Janet Jacobs, CCGSO
Founding Director
Gambling Recovery Ministries
For more information on the IGCCB Clergy/Lay Minister Certification visit:
From IGCCB’s Resources for Coping with COVID 19:
https://personcenteredtech.com/tmh/clients (Online therapy preparation for clients)
https://gambling.easywebinar.live/replay (Jody Bechtold telehealth webinar)
https://youtu.be/dYUEjIFtT8E (Jody Bechtold telehealth webinar)
For more information on gambling disorder and recovery issues, go to: